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So, this is my new website. It’s taken a while to get it online; I’ve wanted to place my disparate, one-off websites under one (good-looking) roof for years, and it’s finally coming together.

Technical details

This website is statically generated with Hugo. It’s using a custom theme, built from scratch (with <3) to conform to my own standards. No, it’s not a Material Design blog with ripples and floating action buttons everywhere; nor is it a “minimal” website featuring only two colors: black and white.

This website is fully responsive, and it will look great on all devices, regardless of size. All the information is present on all display sizes; none of this “eh, nobody really wants to see on a phone” business.

The styles are written in SCSS and compiled with sassc (because it’s just so damn fast. sass, written in Ruby, is decidedly not.) I use Disqus for comments because really, is there another feasible option?